Alignment Yoga Teacher's Training 200 Hours
- Definition of Yoga and how yoga works for wellness
- Conceptual meaning of physical, emotional and mental wellness
- The relationship between emotions and body, intangibles and tangibles
- The foundation of Yin and Yang of Hatha Yoga
- The significance of alignment
- The rhythm of breath and the health of body
- Meditations
Details of the Training
- The practical meaning of Yin and Yang in various aspects including the balance of wellness
- Analysis for the appropriate approach and practice with different types of anatomy
- Asanas with various rhythm, from Hatha, Ashtanga to Yin Yoga
- Sanskrit meanings of Asanas
- Systematic and effective approach to Asanas
- Modifications/ variations of Asanas to cater for various needs (from beginners to advanced practitioners)
- Basic therapeutic techniques to take care of people with chronic pain/ injuries
- Effective deployment of yoga props
- Ethics of professional teachers
- Various types of breathing methods
- Different styles of meditations
- How asanas can lead to transformational spiritual growth
Significance of this Training
- 200 hours will be staying in studio. Interactions with teacher and others are promptly available.
- The alignment of body shows a lot of information of the person. We can learn how to understand others from the physical realm.
- You will understand how your body works so that you will be able to take care of oneself and the others. Taking care of oneself and others is a beautiful artwork throughout our life.
14th Jan to 21st May 2023
Saturday 3pm to 6:30pm
Sunday 10am to 6:30pm
* No class on 21st & 22nd Jan 2023 and 8th & 9th Apr 2023 and the training will be completed at 2:30pm on 21st May 2023
* In case certain session(s) will be inevitably missed, make-up class could be arranged on case-by-case basis